Creative Technologies & Interactive AI
Two Chats from Openai are commenting on images generated using Stable Diffusion. Both object detection and CLIP (a caption generator) are used to send descriptions of the generated images to the conversing Chat bots. Based on their responses, Stable's InPainting alters the images. The human user may also change the image or generate new captions whenever to interrupt the critique. Essentially, these AI critics argue about the content of the image and redesign the image in real-time using InPainting. Architectural Critic was a preliminary study of how various localized and linked AIs recognize and relate images-to-words and words-to-images. This project directly lead to the success of Pro-Futures the AI-Story Generator.
Real-Time Interactive :: Chatbot :: Installation :: Multimodal :: AI-Agents :: AI-Stack
Parallel Response & Design Agents + Human Moderator